Friday, July 08, 2011

Hai my sweetest!

The 10th today(:
Cheesy & as cliche as it may sound,
whatever it is baby, i will always here for you & i love you.
Thank you so so so much for making me the happiest girl in the world.
*cues Rihanna's Only Girl sung by the boy in a mad off tune voice.
HAHA his singing is superb k, but sometimes when he is goes way off the bar.

Sigh, tried to not come across as a retarded girl who is always rambling on & on about the boy in her life but i failed so miserably cause i have no idea how to format my words in such a way.
But i reaaaaally reaaaaaaaally reaaaaaaaaaaally have to stress on what a lucky girl i am, & so thus therefore, this cheesy post. Thank your lucky stars i decided to keep it short!