Monday, March 30, 2009

Yeah try spotting me, my friends are awesome like that.

Tag replies!

Passerby; haha ms yeo is so weird! Weird rule!
Timotheus; she has enough on her hands? Music lessons? LOL i thought it would be dear jesse!!
Amandaf; omg girl i miss you! HAHA even when ms yeo is not dm, she still bans the food what!
SK; haha siewkiang? Hello! HAHA im not happy over it, i just find it funny! She's so lame, testing defiance level, lol! NH is considered very 'adorable little kids' alr! LOL what a weird description hehe.
Psrby; oh omg, no french plaits. French plaits so nice!!
Emelia; hey lovelyyyy!! HAHA IMY. Why you so sad she got new post! You alr find a new way to stalk her what! HAHA so funny, we openly talking abt our stalking girls thing.
Ryli; hey hello! Blogger outings fun ah!