Hahaha sudden fb spams of how PJ sucks.
Actually, i kinda like the place now you know!
Minus maybe the weird system & unfairness of it all in the promotion & stuff like that.
Or maybe what i really like is the people there!
The friends i've made so far, :D
PS. Im really fine with retaining now, Mr Chu made it sound like we're lucky to retain or something lol! Corrine, Chunkit & I shall own PJ next year in our combi! Kairos ftw!
if you've been reading since the start of the year,
i've been posting really horrid things about pj.
Like how going there is dreadful & i will never like it.
Rmb Mag's 'It's so miserable walking towards school'?
Really. At that time it was awful.
No words could describe how terrible we felt to go to school!
We were practically suffocating!!
It's really a far cry from Nanhua,
although we couldnt really pinpoint what's wrong with the place.
Just felt that way.
But i was really lucky to get into S09.
S09's wonderful!
They help me go through each day happily
&&& they are awesome peopleeeeeee!
K, frankly speaking,
when i realised they were my class,
i was quite happy cause i see many pretty people!
:D I like seeing pretty people k!
As days passed, we opened up more to each other,
we have more fun together,
& being with them = happy k!
Plus the retarded things you people do to me!
Rmb chunli hair & forcing me to walk to the hall in that?!
& saboing me for Be Yourself Day when i wasnt in school?
Laughing at me when i do something stupid?
(Esp today at Econs lecture! Laugh at me when i laughed too loudly & the lt laughed at me:( Quantity upside down is really funny what!! HAHA)
Although there were times the class werent really there as a class,
but i guess when we all think about it,
we know the class is really a class
& we are all there for one another.
Maybe Kelvin helped us cause he have so many hands!
Okay, im sorry, idk how to write on anymore.
It's like idk how to put what i feel into words alr!
Sure there are people whom we are closer to in class,
but we are all somewhat able to speak to one another with ease.
Esp about KIA.
K im sorry, i cant help but want to bring that up.
Gossipgirl's luring my attention away!
All in all, i just wanted to say that S09's a really awesome class & boy am i glad that i spent this one year with you all. Although i may not do so next year & you may be relieved that im not, im still gna haunt you all in school wahahaha!
& Fionaaaaaaa, no more shoes for you to steal during lectures!
Fyi, i take off my shoes & cross my legs during lectures and ms fiona lim will steal them & pass them alllllllllllll the way to somewhere far far away!:(