Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tag replies!
Jwee; haha im missing youuuuu(L)
Ernest; im not boring! you are! hahaha
Edison; why cannot put the 'n' behind! & im alright thankyouuuuu:D
Gary; thank you thank you! im touched!
Melody; haha yup! & what you regret asking me? I dont remember.
Leon; eh you tagged me! Like you say you will never tag or something! Wahahah leon (Y)! & yah the two photos i see alr also think can play spot the difference.
Sasfinn; hello! HAHA thankssss:D

Ehhhhhh, i love you all.
Thanks so much for helping in some way.
As in, im really touched!!
Like leon & ks, you two were awesomeeee.
& amelia, wanlin, fiona & kelvin thanks for waiting while i go GO.
Then duh J7 who's always there.
Mathias you were being really cool too.
Mag, you suffered the most from my complaints & actually, every other day in your entire life since you knew me, i know how sad that is, i love you.
& everybody else who asked if im alright.
I really am & im still gna try appeal, xie xieeee.
