Makes me a happy girl when i sleep for so long.
& i realised i've got stacks of hmwk to clear.
But then again, im not doing anything to it.
I shall use the free periods i have to do the work, somehow.
Past few days had been crazy, crazy fun.
(But note to self: I should be studying as well.)
Leslie's 18!!!

A few photos:D

& in my card i wrote a confession lol!
Hello, confession's not only that kind of confession k!
I lied about somethinggg, in the name of fun duh!
+ i think my card looks kinda like a pri sch kid's drawing.
Had 2hours break, so Chris, Atiqah, Jessie & I sat tgt & drew.

LOL Japesh, 'small small balls.. oh NERDS.'
Anyway, still uploading photos for friday & saturday.
I shall go find something to do in the meantime.
Jinguan just got me addicted on some game called Towner.
Its so lame i want to burn myself for even playing it.
But im doing ANYTHING just to not get up & do some work.
Ohmygosh, charlene.