LOL ytd was overnight mugging with czl.
Like seriously mega not awesome, cause its with him.
But mega cool i swear.
I mean, have you ever stayed in Macs the entire night?
hahahah okay maybe you have.
But it was a first for me!
So it's mega cool (Y)
But it felt so unhealthy, like i felt as if im consuming hamburgers the entire time i was there.
LOL somehow.
Okay, although i had only one burger.
Did chemistry & abit of gp.
I felt so scammed,
my chemistry didnt have the tutorial attached behind!
So like after 4am or so, i started sleeping for abit!
But i did stuff k, i did!
leslie, kianhao & christopher lent me their tutorial questions & went to photocopy with me!
I love them sooooo much i swear!!!
They are like my elder brothers awwwww:D

&&& dear Maria got into SC!:D
All thanks to me cause we got the same colour.
LOL we keep talking abt our skin colour its funny!
My firstttt classmate of another race!
It was really enjoyable seeing her run for SC,
like all the things she did & what she had to tolerate.
& reaaaaally fun to cheer for her!
Teaching her 'Qing tou wo yi piao' made my day!
Now that you got in, work hard okay!
Love you!!!!
(& i dont have a photo of the both of us only!!:( But nehmind, shall go take!)
I shall go nua somemore.
Jwee's fb grp 'My fav pastime is to nua in bed'
Miss Jwee so much, texting her makes me a happy girl!!!