Wenhui - Hahaha the shop's called Relax? Wooosh okay i'll try the next time i go 313 to eat!
Czl - Annoying bugger! Haha you actually counted the time you took to read? 5mins 27secs is a loooong time. Dont tell me i suck cause you suck more!

'Lying in bed is a waste of time & your life, but when you're lying in bed, your life is complete.'
You know how i always say that after i wake up,
i'll just lie in bed for the next two hours?
I swear its true.
Like i'll just be a dead log.
Its such a blissful feeling.
Like i dont care whats gng on i just want to lie down.
(Y) I like.
More Marche photos! (L)
Miss the bunch alr!
(Pardon quality! Taken using a phone cause the cam ran out of batt!)

LOL we took turns sitting in 'front' so we'll all be FAT.

The sledge that's really comfy+pretty!!

Left Marche & went to the roof of Orchard Central!

Sian, im off to workkkkkkk again.
Dont really fancy being a bargirl,
or rather, dont fancy working at all.
Im too nua to be true ohmygosh.
I really want to be a taitai.(Give me a bimbo moment okay.)