I hate mobile posting!!!!
One click & my entire post was cleared wth!!
I swear i had this super lengthy post typed out alr, abt thursday friday saturday & sunday(today).
Then i clicked on the wrong button
How unfriendly!
Sorry everybody, sorry pokai, im gna just sum up the past few days w/o much elaboration.
Shall do it next time with pictures!:D
EDIT/ put in some pictures alr! (Y)

Supperclub plan failz, prawning plan failz,
stayover plan failz, nuaing plan succeed.
Talked to @meldyyy two hrs straight on the phone, algae-life is good.
(Did you all get that? Fyi, algae's prnounced like al-gee. Darn, now i tell you not funny alr!)
Yup, + earlier in the afternoon,
watched rugby w some of the SC!
Reminded me of matches last year, :D
Friday was relatives coming over.
Was some popiah day,
I ate at least ten popiahs no kidding.
Think melody's right, im surrounded by liars:(
Ink, Elton, Jeremy, Yueli, Yihua, Xiangliang & i forgot who else said im skinnier.
Im not! Im eating like a monster, swear.
Elton 'You know, everytime i see you you're getting skinner, not nice!'
Me 'No, im still the same! Maybe cause everytime you see me, im with mathias?'
Mathias 'AHEM >:( '
Hahaha funny much.
K alot of things happened on Sat.
& i typed them all outttt, stupid hp.
1. S11 outing was fantastic!
(see i didnt use awesome alr, new word!)

2. Juliane's my fav camwhoring partner in class cause she's just like me!! She wont get tired of taking photos!(Y) Such is the attitude of beauties, i know thanks.
3. Flea with awesome bitch louise, juliane, emilyn & hanteng!
Juliane + Em's first time to a flea!
Haha got myself a hellokitty ring which looks just like a pushpop cause i couldnt find anything to buy.

4. Met up with @bangs-girl jwee, yihua, jeremy & yueli after that.
So long since i've seen them! + yihua's hair superrrr long!
Miss them & jweeeee was damn cute, she cannot stop crying aiyo.

5. Jwee's touchrug had a stall at the flea, so went to nua there.
@girlwhogotbangsfirst(mag) came to find @girlwhogotbangstoo(jwee) & @girlwhowontcutbangscausebangs+specs=uglybetty(me).
Jwee had to stay with trug,
so mag & i went for icecream(Y)
She treated me cause i was also emogalz92.
6. Talked aloooot to mag,
& tortured my mind all the way home.
Met up with jweee to go to the mrt tgt also.
Not much of a summary i know, sorry im long winded like that!
Today was splendid too!
(please note my effort not to use awesome)
How to train your dragon 3D at tiongbahru,
cause plaza sing had only frnt row seats when we're booking.
Aunt forgot we booked at tiong,
so we were on our way to ps!
Then i felt uneasy so i made her check!
In the end we realised its tiong, SEE.
So we cabbed there, omg damn retarded!
Can you imagine if we went all the way to ps & to the counter to get our tickets? LOL
'Excuse me mdm, your show is at tiongbahru.'
Anyway, 313 for some shopping after that,
& astons for dinner, steakkkkk.
Hmmmm pretty lengthy also right!
Anyway, photos up soon k.
Time to go pack my bag!