I cant believe i didnt blog about this as soon as i saw it!
It was super awesomeeeee!
Caught it on the opening day 17th!!
Love aunt for booking tickets, :D
Brother & I were 'recapping' while on the way there!
I got me a wand from GV's Wizard Popcorn Combo.
Yes im cool like that im a wizard now!
I know how girls are witches but i prefer the term wizards!
Used my wand everywhere LOL
*goes to brother's room and switch off his light
Me: Lumos!!! *while my other hand switch on the light
Bro: Woah!! Okay, now switch off the light!
Me: Uhhhhh, i cant!! Idk the spell to switch off the light!!
Me: SHIT IDK THE SPELL, I FORGOT. I cant switch off the light without the spell!
Bro: Use the switch damnit.
Me: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Im gng crazy around the house these few days!
Accio water!
Wingardium Leviosa!
Avada Kedavra!
Caught it again last friday with Leslie, Chris, Dengyang & Kevin.
LOL Shikin & Eunice sold their ticket to Nadiah & Luqman,
so it was pretty funny when they walked in!
Fell asleep around the middle part the second time for a short while(i think) cause i was so tired & his shoulders never fail to make me sleep!
Still, it was the besttttttttttt (Y)
Photos and some snapshots of the movie!
& dont tell me i've ruined the movie for you!
The book was out three years ago,
the movie followed pretty much exactly what is in the book,
& if you dont wanna see the snapshots, dont scroll down!
This was my favourite part!
Dobby is sooooo brave!!
It was so sad at the last part:(
Leaving these two photos for after Part Two!!
LOL I cant wait & i dont care im watching it Gold Class!