Hairizad - haha see i spelt it correctly alr! So sorry i spelt it wrongly! Anyway, how did you get here, huh stalker! LOL kiddingggg!
Wenhui - Im free anytime! So just tell me when okay! Cant wait alr, hahaha food(Y)
Rebekah - Epic your head! It's so embarrassing i swear i can hear his skin cells laughing at me too. Bio kidz is you. Hahaha thursday!:D
Leon - Stop it! I know you'll say that! Was considering if i should post hahaa but who cares about you. Im not shallow & i know it!
Demas - You jiayou too!! All the best for your CTs! & i want to talk to you soon, hahaha find out more about you & whatsup with your life lately huh ahem. LOL