A hugeass photo of me, your life is complete.
Im feeling so annoyed now!
Talking to mag online & finding out stuff abt _!
Our current eyecandy now is like damn awesome,
& yet _ zzzzzzzz.
Hahaha how annoying.
Okay, anyway,
today was a really awesome monday!
See, awesome again.
Anyway, i dont get monday blues.
I get Sunday blues & Tuesday blues.
Or maybe purple, its a mixture of blue & red(Sad & angry).
Well, tmr's a Tuesday.
Running day.
But the fat unfit girl, ME, has got to start exercising.
Soooo im gna go for PE, after what, 2months?

Highlight of today,
apart from J2's having exams,
was that this J1 guy,
went to the middle of the field
& started playing his guitar + singing!
He wanted to go somewhere where nobody can hear him play, lol!
In the end, guess what,
people went to the middle of the field to hear him.
Mong, Tomio, Mohsin, Chunkit & Josiah were dancing to the music, lol!

Scorching hot you know!

Luvvvvvv xiangliang's iphone wahahhahaa
& yup, i feel like singinggggggg:D
Have been playing Alejandro & Run Devil Run the entire day, on repeat.
Ok, tuesday tmr, dont feel like talking much alr.
The thought of Tuesday is enough to shut me up.
K BYE! (red + blue = purple = sad + annoyed)