Havent been in school for the past 2 days.
Did anybody notice?!?!
:( I guess not.
Emo nemo.

They were the first photo i took, & the last.
A thought enough to make me happy the entire day!
Tdy's a thursday.
& im missing out soooo much,
cause thursday is MG34's day!!
:( I miss the bunch so much!

Anyway, there's this reaaaally good series i want to share with you all!
Lie to Me* is really really crazy intellectual & nice!
Okay, it makes me feel intellectual!
Cause i know how to detect lies now,
Its about this psychologist Dr. Cal Lightman,
who observes the body language of people
& their expressions to tell if they are lying or not.

It's like a shrug of the shoulder,
or contempt in the face can tell alot.

& along the way, the show will elaborate a little bit abt what shows what.
He also has this team of workers,
cute individuals in a wayyyyyyy.
& they assist police in investigations!
The character is based on some Dr. Paul Ekman.
You all should go watch it.
It's like intelligence +98217649128641

Madness, i just puked, cause i tried to gei kiang.
I had this crazy craving for cake, cause of some reason.
I have this particular craving every year this date.
LOL i just told hj how weird it is, reason & all.
But actually, it doesnt make sense that its the reason.
Hmm i just checked back my March 09 Archives,
damn weird i didnt rant about the cake craving.
But i rmb it, especially somehow.
Oh yah, my march archives are damn cute.
Okay, its just me.
LOL but i read through my march 09,
& i miss J7 aloooooot:(
412 too!
So much about nh & 412, ahhh
J7, two fridays we didnt meet up alr!
Will me meet up tmr?
'Must meet up if not forever wont meet alr!' - Mag
Jwee has CIP day, zzz you jwee!!!:(
& K ANG, i know whats gng on, talk tmr okay.
I love you all!!:D

& i'll post about my uncle's wedding another day!
Trying to get the photos up on fb!

Just so you know, wearing them was a complete torture for me.
So is taking off.
I took almost 45mins for wearing, & similar for taking it off.
I flip it out in the end, my eye turned crazy red.