Saturday, February 19, 2011
Bobo & Pompom!
I gave them names even though i've not seen them before,
& i have no link to the hammies at all LOL
(Told b Bobo is the brown one & Pompom is the grey one! Wanted to call them Chickenpie & Chickenchop, retarded only)
But arent they cuteee!
Made b show me the hammies in da cage & made him take photos!
They are supa active, (Y)
I just thought it was fun to name them!
But like when we gave Mag her hammies, no name came to mind.
So her hammies are kinda stuck w Wu Ming & You Ming.
Like 'have name' & 'no name' by direct translation.
Cute only. LOL
I like seeing the hamsterssssss.
But when i had munchy didi last time, my family hamster LOLZ.
Yes we named it munchy didi, I HAVE NO IDEA WHY.
Anyway, when we had that hamster, i wasnt happy!
Every single time when my mum/aunts/brother came home, they would go to the hamster & actually talk to it rather than talk to me:(
Feeling neglected, i was upset.
hahahahhahahaha but srsly!
& i was like sec 3/4 that time.
Well, it passed awayyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
But these two have such cute fur!!
Love the brown one hahahah
(Edit/ shucksss bobo fell & :( dont wanna talk about ittt.)
But i can NEVER take care of a pet.
As in i dont wanna have that responsibility!
Or maybe i dont 'love' it or 'want' it enough!
& i know i'll get bored of taking care of it.....
You know what i mean!
I like hamsters but not to the extent that i'll wanna take care of itttt.
& whatever people say about taking care of a pet to 'train your responsibility' is bullshit!
Or at least that's what it is to me.
Cause there are different degrees of responsibility!
It doesnt mean that i cant be responsible if i dont wanna be responsible for taking care of a pet right??
& its just different!
Like to a baby & to a pet, its entirely different!
Okay, good if you get me, & whatever if you dont!
I might find what i said totally senseless later on.
But for now, that's just how i feel!
& saw this onlineeeee, the Mexican Walking Fish!
Okay actually there are other photos of it which isnt as cute.
But its still cuteeeee!
& its gna be extinct i think:(