Wednesday, June 01, 2011
Day 3: A photo that makes you happy
Hello all!
Yes, this is one photo that makes me happyyyy(:
Among many other photos though!
Just looked through my posts last year & i had so many things gng on w my life!
Would love to have so this year but NO, i needa study.
& i am ashamed to say that it's 4.12pm nao & i have not left my com since i woke up.
Guilty much?
Anyway, that photo makes me happy
cause i've been wanting to ride an elephant my whole life!
Preferably alone but as you can see, that wasnt the case!
Queues & stuff like that you know.
& just in case you are wondering, no idk those people behind me!
As i was saying, i love elephants!
I know they arent exactly as cute as those in cartoons & whatnots
but they ARE cute!
HAHA & they seem nice(:
Went with Yuxin & Rebekah!
Heh my mg darlings, but havent gone out w them for a v long time!:(
& im not always happy, i do have moodswings!(random thing to bring up)
Not much but i do!
& my poor boy's always the victim ^^
But mostly im thankful for him being there for me when im unhappy.
Like he's coming over nao cause i wanna complain about household chores wheeee(:
Love you v v v v v v xinfinity much fatshit♥♥♥♥♥♥